Saturday, August 20, 2011

Who is the strongest shinobi

Naruto because he has the power of the Nine tailed fox. This makes him have nearly unlimited chakara. Also having Minato as a father and Jaraya as a godfather/teacher teaching him jutsus. Plus now that he learned to do new things with the rasengan such as the spiraling rasengan and the shuriken rasengan. I believe Naruto is the strongest.

probably neji, he's got the biyakugan, which is a very powerfull technique, he has lots of talent, that is important to a shinobi and he has the will to get even stronger and never stop training, that is even more important. Usually shinobi are devided in two kinds: those with a strong mind (like shikamaru or sakura) and those with a strong body or good chakra (like naruto or Lee) thus they all are missing something, the other part that is. Neji has it both...other candidats for strongest shinobi would be Temari of the sand (she's very strategic and has a good technique), Uchiha Sasuke (although I really don't like him, he's clever and has talent) and maybe even Shikamaru, if he wasn't so damn lazy...his technique could get a lot stronger is he really wanted it. Sai could be even stronger if he'd get help from his emotions, something he most certainly will learn soon.
I purposly only choose the young shinobi of the new generation, since we a) don't really know all the techniques of the older ones b) the young ones have more potential to evolve further, since they haven't reached their limits yet.
hope you like this answer, cheers

Naruto even with or without the Nine Tailed Fox.

The show has a interesting plot with very good art and charter drawing. The show includes action/comedy/romance and drama Here what the show is about. It is about a boy named Naruto who is an orphan and has a demon spirt fox in him that was put there when he was born. Later on Naruto finds friends that like him of who he is. He has made a decision be become the greatest ninja in his village (the village hidden in the leaves), he wants to become hokage, but in order to do that he must train like he never has before as well has battle through missions and interesting foes with his friends and learning new moves/jutsu (speail fighting moves) and marial arts. In between all this there are relationships between charcaters. Naruto is defiantly a series/show/manga that defiantly worth getting into and is one good epic story.

More info:

Twelve years before the events at the focus of the series, the nine-tailed demon fox attacked Konohagakure. It was a powerful demon indeed; a single swing of one of its nine tails would raise tsunamis and flatten mountains. It raised chaos and slaughtered many people, until the leader of the Leaf Village – the Fourth Hokage – defeated it by sacrificing his own life to seal the demon inside a newly-born child, whose origins are as yet unknown. That child's name was Naruto Uzumaki. The Fourth Hokage was celebrated as a hero for sealing the demon fox away. He wanted Naruto to be respected in a similar light by being the containment vessel for the demon fox. The village he grew up in, however, mostly shunned Naruto; they regarded him as if he were the demon fox itself and mistreated him throughout most of his childhood. A decree made by the Third Hokage made it so that the other villagers were forbidden to mention the event to anyone, even to their own children. However, this did not stop them from treating Naruto like an outcast. Although their children did not specifically know why their parents treated Naruto the way they did, they learned through example to despise the boy. As a result, Naruto grew up as an orphan in a lonesome atmosphere without friends, family, or acknowledgment.

All in all it has everything you could want out of anime/manga including action/romance/drama/and comdy.


Naruto will be the strongest. He have the 9 tails fox demon which is the the most powerful demon of all. Its power is said to be infinite, but Naruto have to learn to use the power. The 4th ( Naruto's father) sealed the demon on Naruto because he knows his son will be the only one that can control the demon's power and use it to do good.

It's definitely not the Fourth, as people repeatedly say that the Third, in his prime, was the strongest shinobi the Leaf Village has ever seen.

It's not Neji, either, as both Naruto and Sasuke outclass him starting at the CHunin exams, and he still hasn't caught up.

I tihnk we'd have to go with Pein, since he supposedly has never lost a fight, and is the leader of a group of villains who would gladly kill him and take his spot if they could.

I have a different view its uchiha itachi who have defeated pain in latest manga i feels you understand with his sharingan and mangenko and susano he's unbeatable as I gess

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Uchiha Itachi

Itachi was born into the Uchiha clan to Mikoto and Fugaku and was praised by all as the best of his generation; a genius above all others. Even by the standards of the battle-adept Uchiha clan, Itachi's prowess far outshone them. However, not even his family, friends, or teachers could understand him. When he was only four, Itachi had already witnessed countless lives lost due to the Third Shinobi World War, which emotionally traumatised him and turned him into a pacifist.
During the Nine-Tails' attack on Konoha, Itachi was seen holding an infant Sasuke, telling him that he'd protect him no matter what as well as wondering where his parents had gone.
At age 7, he graduated from the Ninja Academy at the top of his class after only one year, mastered the Sharingan at age eight, passed the Chūnin Exams at age 10, and became an ANBU Captain at age 13.
He was praised highly by his father, who saw the family's future in Itachi and hence inadvertently neglected his younger son. However, during this time Itachi showed great affection towards his little brother and even encouraged his father to come to the Academy enrolment ceremony for Sasuke, something their father had otherwise forgotten, by saying that he would not go to an important mission that would establish Itachi a place in the ANBU ranks, otherwise.

When the Uchiha clan began planning to overthrow Konoha, Itachi, as an ANBU, was tasked with spying on the village. Knowing that a coup d'état would only lead to another Ninja War; Itachi began spying on the Uchiha instead, passing on information to the Third Hokage and the other Konoha elders. During this time he began to act strangely, not attending the clan meetings, speaking out against the clan and becoming the prime suspect for the murder of his best friend Shisui Uchiha, who was drowned in the Naka River. In reality, Shisui had entrusted his remaining Mangekyō Sharingan to Itachi, the other having been taken by Danzō. Itachi assisted Shisui in making it seem that his eyes were destroyed. Due to this the clan lost hope in Itachi, and his father began shifting his focus to Sasuke instead. Meanwhile, the Third's attempts to negotiate a bloodless end to hostilities between the two parties were proving ineffective so, against the Third's wishes, Danzō Shimura and the Konoha Council ordered Itachi to wipe out the Uchiha clan.

Itachi massacres the entire Uchiha clan.Before the fateful night arrived, Itachi discovered the existence of Madara Uchiha, who was attempting to rekindle the flames of war in Konoha. In return for not attacking Konoha, Itachi offered to help Madara claim vengeance against the Uchiha for turning their backs on him decades earlier; Madara agreed. Itachi slaughtered his entire clan overnight, sparing only Sasuke, because he could not follow through with the orders to kill him. Instead, he made himself out as a villain, who had killed their innocent family only to test his abilities. He told Sasuke that he was not even worth killing. In addition, Itachi told him, "You've always wanted to surpass me. That's why I'm going to let you live… if you wish to kill me, then hate me, despise me… and by all means flee, cling to your wretched life". Itachi also revealed to Sasuke where the secret meeting place of the Uchiha was hidden, and suggested that Sasuke go there to learn what the true history and purpose of the Sharingan was. He told him that "to awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan", he "had to kill the person he was closest to", and that "when we battle, we should have the same eyes".
Itachi tortures Sasuke.
Sasuke managed to stand back up, awaken his Sharingan, and pursue Itachi. Upon reaching Itachi, he managed to knock off his forehead protector. Itachi shed a tear as he was picking up his forehead protector. He then proceeded to incapacitate Sasuke, who awoke in the hospital remembering only that which Itachi wanted him to. By doing all this, he wanted Sasuke to take vengeance on him and become a hero to Konoha, thus redeeming the Uchiha name. Hoping that his beloved little brother would someday be powerful enough to kill him, Itachi left the village as a traitor. According to Madara Uchiha
Itachi pleads with the Third to protect Sasuke.Knowing that Konoha would still want to eliminate Sasuke, Itachi pleaded with the Third Hokage to keep Sasuke safe. He also threatened Danzō to not harm Sasuke or risk Itachi revealing everything he knew about Konoha's secrets to enemy countries. Sasuke's safety was therefore secured and Itachi returned to his original plan of becoming infamous for his slaughter of the Uchiha clan.
Itachi joins Akatsuki.Itachi joined Akatsuki in order to keep an eye on the organisation, along with Madara Uchiha, in case either ever acted against Konoha, all the while planning for his death at Sasuke's hands. While he was a member of Akatsuki, Itachi was approached by Orochimaru, who tried to steal his body to gain the Sharingan. Itachi trapped him in a genjutsu and severed his left hand as punishment, forcing Orochimaru to flee the organisation. He was partnered with Kisame Hoshigaki, who he initially greeted with threats after the latter tried to intimidate him. However, they eventually became good partners for sharing the common bond of having betrayed the people closest to them. Sometime after joining Akatsuki and forcing Orochimaru to flee, Itachi helped recruit Deidara by beating him in battle using only genjutsu, to which Deidara swore vengeance against Itachi. At some point in time, Itachi contracted a fatal illness. He kept himself alive through the intake of various medicines and sheer "willpower", in the hopes of living long enough to die by Sasuke's hands. Ever since his first appearance, Itachi had always been mysterious and acted as though he were hiding his true self. While flashbacks to his past showed that he was a compassionate brother and person, his later acts and claims made it seem that this was mostly just an act. But, surprisingly, he genuinely was the compassionate brother he had once claimed to be, although he hid this from the rest of the Akatsuki to protect Sasuke. As a member of Akatsuki, he possessed incredible self-control of his emotions, constantly displaying an emotionless personality. He only showed surprise when opponents proved more powerful or skilled than he had expected, and even then he didn't lose his composure. He did not possess any arrogance, and fully justified any statements he made about his power, even complimenting his opponents at times on their abilities. In addition to being an extremely powerful shinobi, Itachi had equally impressive intelligence, and was shown to be very wise. He was exceedingly sharp and observant to any situation at hand, as he was rarely surprised or caught off guard. He also displayed great intuition, as he was almost never deceived and even then almost instantly realised the truth. This intelligence could also be seen through Itachi's immense foresight, such as examples like the foreknowledge of Sasuke's defeat of Deidara and simultaneous survival, his own pre-meditated fatalist view of death by Sasuke's hand, and most recently the implantation of his own Kotoamatsukami-imbued crow inside Naruto were only some examples seen. Despite his status as a wanted criminal, and having wiped out his clan, Itachi took no enjoyment in violence or combat, instead preferring to avoid battle or, if this was not possible, end it as quickly as he could. Itachi's only initial interest was in Akatsuki's goals, and his only loyalties appeared to be to the organisation and its members, seeming to put the organisation's success and secrecy before everything else. As such, Itachi got along with his partner, Kisame, much better than most other Akatsuki members did with their own partners. Kisame appeared to have a deep loyalty to Itachi, immediately doing as he instructed and constantly looking out for his well-being. Itachi treated all of his fellow Akatsuki members to this same, more respectful personality, although his courtesy was rarely returned by the other members. However, when he was in a genjutsu duel during his fight with Sasuke, he cruelly claimed he had only let Sasuke live so that he could take Sasuke's eyes and obtain his own Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, after which he then claimed the Uchiha clan had been nothing but tainted and evil, since many members would kill their friends to gain the Mangekyō Sharingan, and would take another Uchiha's eyes to make its power permanent. Once the genjutsu was released, he called it his true self, implying his calm, emotionless personality was also a façade. This persona was later revealed to be only an act to ensure that he would die by Sasuke's hands, his love for his younger brother being the fundamental aspect of his personality. In the end, Itachi put all of his faith in Naruto, who he notes as the person most determined to save and protect Sasuke. After hearing Naruto's answer to keep protecting Sasuke and everyone in Konoha, Itachi gave him some of his power. He was very grateful towards Naruto's determination to save Sasuke, and was smiling after hearing Naruto's response. Itachi even trusted him enough to bring Sasuke back to the light


Itachi's usage of crows.
Even at a young age, Itachi's intellect and talent showed their brilliance in everything he did, as even his teachers said his progress hardly required any help. In the few battles he had been seen in since the start of the series, Itachi was shown to be an incredibly powerful ninja, as demonstrated by his ability to easily defeat several powerful shinobi. Despite his pride in his abilities, Kisame Hoshigaki, Itachi's partner in Akatsuki, acknowledged Itachi as the stronger of the two. Madara said that Itachi never ceased to amaze him, and Kabuto recognised he underestimated Itachi, after he managed to break free of his control. However, despite his ability, he never underestimates his opponents, given his praise of Jiraiya, saying the best he could do against him was a stalemate despite their relatively similar statistics. The only thing that Itachi was lacking was his chakra reserves, which was below average. Regardless, even with his fatal illness and his own preplanned death as inhibitions, Sasuke was still unable to defeat Itachi, who instead succumbed to his disease and the strain of maintaining his Susanoo on such low chakra. Despite the stress his body was under that was slowly killing him he was still able, in his last moments, to perform his own fūinjutsu. Being a technical pacifist due to his traumatic experiences from the Third Shinobi World War, Itachi did not actively take part in battle, typically only acting in self-defence and trying to incapacitate his enemies instead of killing them if possible.


Itachi possessed very high-level taijutsu skills despite not specialising in it. This was demonstrated when he easily dispatched three fellow Uchiha, all of them his seniors as well as members of the Konoha Military Police Force. In Part I, he stopped Sasuke's Chidori with one hand and brutally beat him during their reunion in the Land of Fire despite Sasuke's extensive taijutsu training for the Chūnin Exams. In Part II, despite his illness, Itachi was able to once again outmatch Sasuke who had improved his taijutsu under Orochimaru's tutelage. Itachi was also noted to be immensely fast, particularly with his hand movements. This extended to collectively weaving both hand seals and throwing weapons, as he was able to reveal a set of shuriken and then suddenly perform a ninjutsu, making it appear as if he could perform his techniques without seals. In terms of mobility, he is able to cover considerable distances fast enough to appear like teleportation. His speed was such that neither Sasuke nor Kakashi, who are both very fast and adept at using the Sharingan, could follow his movements in either case during Part I. He could also evade consecutive strikes from Killer B's unusual kenjutsu without injury, despite B's style being acclaimed for its difficultly to both read and dodge successfully.


Itachi using the Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique.
Itachi was a master of all the Uchiha clan's techniques, along with the Sharingan, and had great prowess with all of the three main types of jutsu. When battling against Kakashi, Kurenai, and Asuma, Kakashi commented that Itachi wasn't fighting with even half of his strength. Itachi's techniques also often involved usage of crows, both in ninjutsu and genjutsu. This is seen amongst others with his creation of a clone that dissolves into crows and using crows to hide shuriken in them or creating shadow clones with the ability to explode. As traditional to the Uchiha clan, Itachi could use Fire Release techniques including the clan's Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique and was able to infuse shurikens with fire. The heat of his Great Fireball Technique is great enough to bother even Samehada. He was also shown to use Water Release techniques such as creating a drilling mass of pressurised water.


Itachi's Sharingan.
Being of the Uchiha clan, and as noted by Kakashi, Itachi was a true successor of the Sharinganmastering it already when he was eight years old. From a stationary position, he would study an opponent's movements with his Sharingan and respond accordingly, often with a genjutsu. Itachi was often praised for his prowess with genjutsu and could cast it by merely pointing at or looking at someone, and could similarly turn an opponent's genjutsu against them with Demonic Illusion: Mirror Heaven and Earth Change. According to Ao, he could also use his genjutsu to take control of other individuals from a long distance. Most of his genjutsu are derived from the Sharingan, but regardless of whether they are or not, all of them cause powerful mental trauma; Itachi is a master of genjutsu, and uses them often. Using his Sharingan, he could also perfectly fake Shisui Uchiha's suicide letter after he had killed him. He had trained so much with his eyes that he had reached the stage where he could have his Sharingan activated for extended periods of time, with minimal drain on his chakra levels.

Mangekyō Sharingan

Itachi's Mangekyō Sharingan.
Itachi possessed the Mangekyō Sharingan, which increased his already great power, and enabled him to use his most powerful techniques. With his left eye, he could use Tsukuyomi, a genjutsu that traps an opponent's mind in an illusory world, torturing them for what seems like days to the victim, in a matter of seconds. With his right eye he could use Amaterasu, a ninjutsu which allowed him to create a black flame, that he could direct by moving his eye, to burn through anything in its path, including fire itself. His final technique was Susanoo, the "Tempestuous God of Valour" (勇武の荒神, Yūbu no Aragami), a technique that uses both eyes to manifest itself as a spectral being. It wielded the Sword of Totsuka, an ethereal sword with the ability to seal anything it pierces into the gourd that serves as its hilt, and Yata Mirror, a shield that could reflect any attack. Zetsu, a fellow Akatsuki member, stated that Itachi's mastery of the Sharingan, combined with the legendary weapons of Susanoo, made him nearly invincible.
Itachi's Susanoo, complete with the Yata Mirror.Despite his mastery of the Mangekyō Sharingan, Itachi suffered greatly from its side effects. Each of the techniques bestowed by the Mangekyō Sharingan required vast amounts of chakra to perform, and they left Itachi fatigued afterwards, to the point of requiring him to deactivate his Sharingan altogether, something that he did not usually need, three uses of which seem to have been enough to bring him to this in Part I. The other side effect was that his eyesight would worsen as time passed since the awakening of the Mangekyō Sharingan, and the degradation would only increase after every time he used it, which would lead him to eventually go blind from its power, with his Sharingan forever sealed away. By the time Itachi activated his Mangekyō Sharingan during his final fight with Sasuke, Itachi's eyesight was so badly damaged, that Sasuke appeared to be only a messy blur. Itachi was so close to blindness that by the time he activated Susanoo in his final fight, both Sharingan had lost the Mangekyō design in them, with only the red iris remaining.

Friday, August 5, 2011

The surpise 6th coffin

Entirely possible that the sixth coffin could have contained Shisui. Nagato's reanimation body retained his eyes even though Tobi/Madara had removed them. It is possible that Kabuto's "trump card" is Shisui's body that may retain a portion of his original strength. Although now Kabuto realizes that Itachi is beyond his control so it is possible that Shisui would also be beyond his control as well. Or perhaps the only reason Itachi is unable to be controlled it only due to the eye implanted within the crow.


sorry man but look where kabuto talks about the edo tensei jutsu, he says he can't revive shisui due to lack of DNA


For me... i think its Minato..xD
just by the reaction of madara..

It can't be Minato because he sealed himself. We've discussed this so many times, but we'll never really know until, well you know.

ahh...I was trying to think about the 6th coffin, but when you said that, I was just like "Ahh! Maybe that's it?". Kabuto doesn't have Shisui's DNA...just yet, right? He could get it from the eye of the crow, and in fact I think he is trying to do it now using Nagato. He did say his luck was getting better and better...

but then that would mean that the body in the 6th coffin isn't Shisui. The suspension is killing me~~~

and by the way, I don't seem to be able to recall what happened to Danzo's body, because Danzo did have one of Shisui's eyes, right

my brother thought it would be madara's brother too, and i think it's reasonable guess, i personally think it might be madara's original body, i don't know why he would be afraid of his brother like he seemed to be afraid of the mystery body, but it might have also been shock not fear, there aren't a lot of clues as to who it is, so it's really hard to say with any accuracy

Danzo destroyed the shisui's sharingan which means no one can use it ( it's jutsu etc. and has no light hope you guys understand ), but in shisui's sharingan ( which danzo had ) there is enough DNA to revive shisui, he might probably one of the main plot of this war ( tailed beasts, madara, kabuto and shisui's eye ).
-As for the 6th coffin after what i have seen about uchiha i mean what their eyes ( especially MS ) are capable of it won't be stupid to say it's madara's brother cause we don't know what MS power he has probably a jutsu that tobi's time space jutsu can't dodge.

If it's the Rikudou, I doubt Kabuto would be letting Madara make all the demands. I bet the guy in the coffin is someone who will potentially sabotage his plan (most likely Izuna) but not so much that he'd let Kabuto call the shots. In fact, I doubt Madara cares if Kabuto exposes him now since Zetsu and Sasuke (somewhat) are on his side. Kisame's dead. Even if Tobi really isn't Madara, who cares? He's got the Rinnegan and is still stronger than everybody. Doesn't matter if he was some weakling before (he wasn't anyway). So pretty much, Madara and Kabuto are trying to outdo the other. The Rinnegan was Madara's goal anyway but it got rid of the 6th coffin threat probably. Now, apparently, Kabuto has some other ace (which he didn't tell Madara about). In response, Madara got the 6 Paths. Kabuto's trying to get Shisui's eye. Wonder what Madara will get next?

By using the name Madara Uchia, Tobi was able to make everyone believe his threats have some validity (a single man declaring war on 5 nations isn't something an ordinary man can do). Since the 6th coffin was brought into the manga before the actually war started it is possible that it contained someone that simply knew the true identity of Tobi. The coffin may simply be someone with information rather than someone of equal or greater power.
As far as "if the 6th coffin isn't someone strong, why doesn't Tobi just kill them?". You need to remember that Tobi tried to avoid any actual combat because it was stated a few times that he is just a meer shell of the man he was and cannot afford to be weakened by fighting unnesessary battles.

My opinion is that is is the uchiha clan ancestor. I think this because kabuto is not a stupid person and probably didn't summon the sage of the six paths because it would be too much power to realistically control. However, the uchiha ancestor has a eye jutsu that we have yet to learn about. It would not supprise me at all if this is who kabuto summoned and if his eye jutsu is written about on the stone tablet that the sage left behind. If this is so, then madara should know about it, thus explaining his WTF face.

I think its sage of the six path

Naruto is Overpowered? and the Legends Minato and Shisui

Minato was hailed as the fastest shinobi and the Strongest Youngest Kage ever lived in Naruto World. And here's Uchiha who has the power of the most powerful genjutsu of the Uchiha Clan, even an Eternal Mangekyou user cannot detect if the Koto Amatsukami is activated.. It can either deflect the power of tsokuyumi and amaterasu.. So here's Naruto... With an overpowered character, look, he has the unlimited chakra of the 9 tailed fox, he has a resemblance with the original sage of the six path with his 9 tails mode, he has the sage mode, he has the power of the most powerful genjutsu... Man!! Give me your opinion guys

Well Naruto is extremely overpowered but so is sasuke and madara he has the rinnegan and EMS and aslo u cant forget the the raikage was going head to head with naruto in his new nine tails mode tell bee jumped in

Not again this threads... Overpowered this overpowered that. Of course he is strong, he is main character for Christ sake.

Kakashi was strong, untill some real beasts showed up, Hashirama was the strongest in his era and he died, Nidaime died, Hiruzen died...They were all the strongest.

The point you've make is nonsense..Do you know what means overpowered? Using SM, RM and two toads in the same time...That's what means overpowered.

In terms of using only one mode at time, he is conisderably weak, since every god**ned mode has drawbacks. SM lasts for 5 min max, yet it doesn't give him and genjutsu it only enhances it.

RM doesn't grant him genjutsu he is considerably weak against genjutsu in every mode.

OVERPOWERED means going beyond everything. I would say Tobi is being overpowered right now and not Naruto.

naruto doesnt not have access to the shisui's genjutsu. What happened in this last chapter was a one time thing which naruto had zero control over. itachi activated the crow that has shisui's eye because it was programmed to react to his (itachi's) eyes. As far as we know now naruto cant call forth the crow he cant controls its power and even if he could it will require a decade before it can be activated again. I wouldnt be surprised if kishi alters that at some point but as it stands now the crow with shisuis eye doesnt really add to narutos power

Orichimaru revive.....

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Shisui fought Danzo?

So apparently, Itachi and Shisui had that talk about his eyes after he had already lost one eye. So any idea why Danzo fought shisui and took the other eye?

At first we thought Danzo took the eye after Shisui was dead, but in the latest chapter, he is already missing an eye.

Unless he gave Itachi his left eye and then died. BUT Danzo wouldn't have seen the eye if he went and got it after Shisui died b/c shisui was s'posed to have made it look like both eyes were gone.

And he couldn't have cast the jutsu without any eyes..

No, he gave it to him. The 3 of them were friends IMO, and how is it possible Danzo who is weaker than any Uchiha could steal it?

Shisui gave his sharingan to Danzo reluctantly but Shisui apparently valued and loved the village just as much as Itachi did and maybe even more. It's a surprise to me that the translation clearly said Mangekyo Sharingan so this means Shisui had MS as well.

Remember Madara said they last met with Danzo since the Uchiha incident. May be Madara assisted Danzo. Or Madara foucht Shizui succeeded taking one eye, and Danzo came to aid a near-death Shizui while recovering the stolen eye. Too many possibilities.
But remember Madara and Danzo met at around the same time.

but when we saw the sharingan collection we saw a eye in the thing where he keeped the eyes with a sticker on it which said shisui, but danzo destroyed the eye just before his death so how can madara have an eye of shisui ?

Don't underestimate danzou. He was the leader of root. Though he is weaker than people like itachi and shisui well msot likely but consider this.

Getting shisui eye requires planning and stealth. Remember he can only use that ultimate jutsue once in a decade. If he managed to tire shisui out or decieve him in a mission he can manage to get that eye. Example,

Shisui appointed to a mission. just when shisui inspect soemthing they jump him and manage to get the one eye before he breaks free and escape.

just like how a lot of heroes etc beat their enemy when they are weaker.

I don't think Danzou and Shisui fought, seeing that they were from the same village.

Shisui might have given up his right eyed Sharingan to Danzou for the sake off the village.

~I guess Shisui had the Mangekyou Sharingan so I wonder how he got it.

"Why did Danzou get only one eye?"

He had no choice. Shisui used Kotoamatsukami on them to probably escape.

Proof that he used it?

Top-Left Panel. A mangekyou design similar to the crow when it came out of Naruto's mouth and time line accuracy.

The scenario:

Person A, B and C (there could be even more and it can also be an individual and oh, all are high level ninjas) ambushed Shisui in an instant. Shisui doesn't know what they want at first but when they aimed for his eyes and successfully took the right (eye), he quickly used Kotoamatsukami since he figured everything out and the rest was history.


"How did the whole team get affected?"

Possible Answer: Not necessarily. If they already took Shisui's right eye, then that means Shisui was already defeated and is now in enemy hands. The enemies are already "relaxed". Shisui only needs one person to control using kotoamatsukami. One person is enough to kill the whole team since they'll be caught off-guard by sneak attacks.


Shisui controlled the whole team. It is possible, given that it is the most powerful genjutsu and all. Adding to the fact that he is the original owner after all so it is plausible to say that he can access the full potential of Kotoamatsukami.

And of course, many other possibilities. .